Ustanova koje provodi testiranje
Zavod za javno zdravstvo Sveti Rok Virovitičko-podravske županije
Tip testa: PCR test, Brzi antigenski test
Uzimanje uzorka:
PCR test – Virovitica, Matije Gupca 63 ( Izdvojen kontejner kod hale Viroexpa) od 7:30 do 8:30 sati. (mogućnost “Drive-in”)
Brzi antigenski test – Virovitica, Ljudevita Gaja 21, Zgrada Zavoda za javno zdravstvo, prizemlje, (ulaz od hitne), postupati prema putokazu od 11:00 do 13:00 sati (ponedjeljak – petak) i od 10:00 do 13:00 sati (subota – nedjelja)
Vrijeme čekanja nalaza:
PCR test – 24 sata
Brzi antigenski test – 30 do 60 minuta
Koraci koje je potrebno napraviti kako bi osoba pristupila testiranju.
- Prethodno se najaviti (ponedjeljak-petak od 13:00 do 15:00 sati, subota-nedjelja od 09:00 do 12:00 sati) na broj:
(+385) 99 582 6909
(+385) 99 582 6920
- Da bi pristupila testiranju, osoba koja se testira mora ispuniti Obrazac-testiranje na COVID-19:
- obrazac za FIZIČKE osobe:
- obrazac za PRAVNE osobe:
- Dostaviti potvrdu o uplati novčanog iznosa za testiranje PRIMJER – http://www.zzjzvpz.hr/hr/sadrzaj/djelatnost/7/datoteke/covid19/uplatnica_primjer_covid.jpg
Osoba može biti upućena na testiranje od strane nadležnog obiteljskog liječnika preko uputnice, ali se osoba mora prethodno najaviti (Korak 1.).
Cijena testiranja:
PCR test – 598,00 kuna
Brzi antigenski test – 190,00 kuna (nalazi na hrvatskom ili engleskom jeziku), Cijena za turiste iznosi 75,00 kn ako se priloži potvrda o ostvarena najmanje 3 noćenja u komercijalnom smještajnom objektu.(Više informacija)
Uplata novčanog iznosa za testiranje se obavlja isključivo putem naloga za plaćanje.
Podaci za uplatu su:
Zavod za javno zdravstvo Sveti Rok Virovitičko-podravske županije
IBAN: HR5523600001101358429
Model: 00
Poziv na broj: OIB UPLATITELJA
Iznos: 598,00 kn (PCR test) ili 190,00 kn (Brzi antigenski test ili 75,00 kn za turiste)
Opis plaćanja:
Za PCR test: Trošak testiranja na COVID-19, Ime i prezime
Za Brzi antigenski test: Testiranje – brzi antigenski test – IME I PREZIME
Za uplate iz inozemstva: SWIFT: ZABAHR2X
Za PCR test ne postoji mogućnost uplate iznosa u gotovini prilikom testiranja.”
Za Brzi antigenski test uplata se može vršiti putem uplatnice ili osobno na blagajni Zavoda (isključivo radnima danima) prilikom dolaska na testiranje. Subotom i nedjeljom blagajna Zavoda ne radi. Ukoliko se uplata vrši putem banke na testiranje je potrebno doći s potvrdom o uplati.
Brzi testovi na SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) za potrebe svadbenih svečanosti – upute za uzimanje uzoraka i testiranje
Institution that conducts the testing:
Sveti Rok Public Health Institute of Virovitica-Podravina County
Test type: PCR test, Rapid antigen test
Samples are taken at:
PCR test – Virovitica, Matije Gupca 63 (Separate container – at the Viroexpo hall) from 07:30 to 08:30 am (“Drive-in” option)
Rapid Antigen Test – Virovitica, Ljudevita Gaja 21, Public Health Institute building, ground floor, (emergency entrance), follow the instructions on the signs from 11:00 am to 01:00 pm (Monday – Friday) and from 10:00 to 12:00 am (Saturday and Sunday)
Test results in: 24 hours
PCR test – 24 hours
Rapid Antigen Test – 30 to 60 minute
Steps that need to be taken for a person to access testing.
- Call in advance (Monday-Friday from 13:00 am to 03:00 pm, Saturday-Sunday from 09:00 am to 12:00 noon) at:
(+385) 99 582 6909
(+385) 99 582 6920
- To access the test, the person being tested must complete the Form: Test on COVID-19:
- form for INDIVIDUALS:
- form for LEGAL ENTITIES:
- Submit a confirmation of payment of the amount for testing EXAMPLE – http://www.zzjzvpz.hr/hr/sadrzaj/djelatnost/7/datoteke/covid19/uplatnica_primjer_covid.jpg
The person may be referred for testing by a family doctor via a medical referral, but the person must call in advance (Step 1).
Testing price:
PCR test – HRK 598,00 (translation of PCR test findings in English is an additional HRK 100.00)
Rapid Antigen Test – HRK 190,00 (Results in Croatian or English), The price for tourists is HRK 75.00 if a certificate that can verify a stay of at least 3 nights in a commercial accommodation facility is attached/presented. (More information)
Payment of the amount for testing is made exclusively through a payment order.
Payment details are:
Zavod za javno zdravstvo Sveti Rok Virovitičko-podravske županije
IBAN: HR5523600001101358429
Model: 00
Reference number: personal identification number of the payer
Amount: HRK 598,00 (for PCR test) or HRK 190,00 (for Rapid Antigen Test or HRK 75,00 for tourists)
Payment description:
For PCR test: Cost of testing on COVID-19, Name and surname
For Rapid Antigen Test: Testing – rapid antigen test – NAME AND SURNAME
For payments from abroad: SWIFT: ZABAHR2X
For PCR test there is no possibility to pay the amount in cash during the test.
For the Rapid Antigen Test, payment can be made via a payment slip or in person at the Institute’s cash desk (only on working days) upon arrival for testing. On Saturdays and Sundays, the Institute’s cash desk is closed. If the payment is made through a bank, it is necessary to come for testing with a confirmation of payment.
Excluded from testing:
- a person who recovered from COVId-19 within 180 days from the day of illness
- a person who received the 2nd dose of COVID-19 vaccine more than 14 days ago
- a person who recovered from COVID-19 and was vaccinated with a single dose of vaccine
- children under the age of 12 also do not have to be tested
Instructions for sampling and testing of persons to be tested:
Sampling and testing is carried out by prior notice and agreement exclusively by the wedding organizers (restaurants, hall managers, hotels, etc.).
The wedding organizer is obliged 2-3 days before the wedding to send a list of guests of the wedding ceremony, including staff, music and all participants to the e-mail address: covidtestvjencanje@zzjzvpz.hr
Required information of the guests are: name, surname, date of birth, place of residence.
It is mandatory to indicate the number of guests who will be tested the day before the wedding (eg Friday) – valid for all local guests, and the number of guests who will be tested on the wedding day (eg Saturday) – refers to guests from other cities, countries, musical ensembles, etc. – if they didn’t perform testing in their area.
Testing the day before the wedding – on Fridays (if the wedding ceremony is on Saturdays) is carried out at the location: Virovitica, Ljudevita Gaja 21, Public Health Institute building, ground floor, (emergency entrance), follow the instructions on the signs from 15:00 to 17:00.
Testing on the wedding day exclusively for guests from other cities, countries, bands, etc. will be carried out by appointment via e-mail address: covidtestvjencanje@zzjzvpz.hr when the exact sampling date is agreed with the wedding organizer.
The wedding organizer (restaurants, hall managers, hotels, etc.) is obliged to pay for the quick tests in advance.
Payment details are:
Zavod za javno zdravstvo Sveti Rok Virovitičko-podravske županije
IBAN: HR5523600001101358429
Model: 00
Reference number: OIB OF THE PAYER
Amount: HRK 190.00 multiplied by the number of tested guests (HRK 190.00 x number of guests)
Payment description: rapid antigen test – WEDDING: NAME AND SURNAME OF THE BRIDE AND GROOM